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Part 2: What Is Ceramide & Why Should It Be Added to Your Skincare Routine?

Apr 14,2023 | Mimi

Part 2: What Is Ceramide & Why Should It Be Added to Your Skincare Routine?

Ways To Add Ceramides to the Skincare Routine

We have discussed ceramide’s benefits for our skin in the previous article. you may find it here .

Ceramides can be found in various skincare products, including cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and face oils. Here are some common sources of ceramides in skin care:

  • Ceramide-rich oils: 

Oils such as avocado, sunflower, safflower, and olive oil are naturally rich in ceramides.

  • Moisturizers: 

One of the easiest ways to add ceramides to your skincare routine is to use a moisturizer that contains ceramides. Look for products that list ceramides high up on the ingredient list, which indicates that they contain a significant amount of the ingredient. Ceramide-containing moisturizers can be used in the morning and evening after cleansing and toning.

  • Serums: 

Another way to add ceramides to your skincare routine is to use a serum that contains ceramides. Serums are lightweight and absorb quickly, making them an excellent option for those who prefer a lighter texture. Ceramide-containing serums can be used in the morning and evening after cleansing and toning and before moisturizing.

  • Cleansers: 

Some cleansers contain ceramides to help hydrate and protect the skin while cleansing. Look for gentle, non-stripping cleansers that contain ceramides and use them in the morning and evening.

  • Masks: 

Ceramide-containing masks can boost hydration and nourishment to the skin. Use a ceramide-containing mask once or twice a week to help improve the skin's texture and hydration levels.

  • Supplements: 

Besides topical products, ceramides can be taken orally in supplement form. Ceramide supplements are often derived from plants and can help to support the skin's natural barrier function from within.

When adding ceramides to your skincare routine, it's important to remember to introduce them slowly and patch test first, especially if you have sensitive skin. 

Start using the product once daily and gradually increase usage as your skin adjusts. It's also essential to use sunscreen daily to protect the skin from UV damage and further dehydration.

It's important to note that not all ceramide products are of the same quality, and some may be more effective than others. 

Look for products formulated with clinically proven amounts of ceramides and avoid products that contain potential irritants such as fragrance, alcohol, and essential oils.

Other Uses of Ceramides

In addition to their benefits for the skin, ceramides have other potential uses and benefits, including:

  • Hair care: Ceramides can also be beneficial for hair health, particularly for those with dry, damaged, or chemically-treated hair. Ceramides can help to improve the strength and elasticity of hair, as well as prevent breakage and split ends.
  • Oral health: Ceramides have been found to have antimicrobial properties and may be useful in preventing dental caries and other oral infections.
  • Wound healing: Ceramides are involved in wound healing and may help promote skin regeneration and reduce scarring.

Wrapping up

Ceramides are an important part of your skin's natural defence system but can be depleted over time. Adding ceramides to your skincare routine is a simple way to protect against aging and environmental damage.

As you can see, ceramides have a wide range of benefits. They can strengthen the skin's natural moisture barrier, repair and prevent damage to its extracellular matrix, soften and smooths the skin, and so much more. Moreover, they're great for all ages, shapes and sizes, so there's no excuse not to try them out!

Get our new Ceramide Glowing Stick from HAUS X Marsha Milan for glowing skin on the go.

