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The Importance of Hydration for the Facial Skin and the Whole Body

May 02,2023 | Mimi

The Importance of Hydration for the Facial Skin and the Whole Body

What will happen if you don’t drink enough water? If your skin isn’t hydrated enough, you may experience dehydration, extreme sensitivity, cracking or flaking and fine lines.

All those can affect each and every part of your facial and body skin. So, let’s dive into this article to explore the importance of hydration for the biggest human organ; your skin.

Before that, have you checked the 5 daily basic skincare routines you wish you had known earlier? Read more on our previous discussion here.

Why is Hydration Important for Facial Skin?

Water is necessary for the facial skin to repair itself to stay as young and fresh-looking as possible. The skin comprises multiple layers; the outermost layer is the stratum corneum. 

It protects the skin from environmental pollution, UV rays, and bacteria. However, this layer can damage or weaken, leading to dryness, flakiness, and even wrinkles.

The Virtues

When the skin is well-hydrated, it maintains its natural protective barrier.  This barrier helps to prevent water loss and keeps the skin soft, plump, and supple. 

Other than those, hydration can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as dry skin can accentuate these signs of aging. 

Poor Effects of Dehydrated Skin

On the opposite, dehydrated skin can lead to an overproduction of oil. This condition can cause acne and breakouts, resulting in skin redness and irritation.

When the skin is dehydrated, it appears rough and haggardly. In addition, dehydration can worsen skin tone and texture, making the skin look dull and unlively.

Why is Water Important to the Whole Body?

You wouldn’t want to treat your body like a barren land deprived of water. Hydration is essential for the optimal functioning of the whole body. The list of benefits associated with water for the human body are:

#1. Regulates Body Temperature

Water is crucial to your body's ability to regulate its temperature. When you drink plenty of water, you'll be able to sweat more easily and cool yourself down when it's hot outside.

Warm weather can make you dehydrated much faster than normal. It’s because sweat evaporates from the skin faster than usual. Thus, this is why many people experience dehydration during the hot or dry months, heat waves, etc. 

#2. Flushes Out Toxins for Weight Loss

The body is an amazing and complex machine. It's also a very efficient one.  We all know from watching infomercials how easy it is to lose weight by drinking a certain brand of water. 

Your body needs water to function at its best:

  • Water helps flush out toxins from the body. It also keeps your digestive system running smoothly.
  • Water is an appetite suppressant by making you feel full faster and longer than other beverages (and no one wants to drink more than they have to).
  • Drinking plenty of H20 (water) can help maintain metabolism levels. It’s because you can burn calories faster than if you were dehydrated or only drank other beverages instead of H2O! That means less fat on those hips!

#3. Improves Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Drinking enough water is essential for your overall health. Water helps to break down food and absorb nutrients. 

It helps flush out toxins and keeps your body hydrated. Your body can't function properly if you don't drink enough water.

You may need extra hydration from other sources. This works if you're like most people who don't get enough fluids from their diet alone (especially if you eat fast food). 

They include supplements or juices that contain lots of nutrients but little calories/sugar content (so as not to cause weight gain).

#4. Dehydration in the Body

On the other hand, when the body is dehydrated, these processes can become impaired. As a result, it could lead to various health problems.

Dehydration can also lead to fatigue, headaches, and poor concentration. All this makes it difficult to carry out everyday activities. When your body is well-hydrated, you’ll have more energy and feel more alert and focused.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

The amount of water you should drink depends on age, weight, and activity level. 

The general recommendation is to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, which is equivalent to around two litres. 

However, this is just a guideline. Depending on your needs, you may need more or less water; after a long marathon on a scorching hot day or sitting sedentary in your office cubicle.

You can obtain water from other sources, such as fruits, vegetables, and beverages. However, some drinks, such as alcohol and caffeinated beverages, can dehydrate the body.  So, it is important to balance these with water and other hydrating foods.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

If you struggle to drink enough water, there are several things you can do to increase your intake:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle wherever you go, and sip from it throughout the day.
  • Set reminders on your phone or computer to drink water at regular intervals.
  • Add flavor to your water by infusing it with fruits or herbs.
  • Eat hydrating foods such as watermelon, cucumber, and celery.
  • Limit your intake of dehydrating drinks such as alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

This is the most important tip: drink water. Water is the most important nutrient for your body, and you must stay hydrated.

The evergreen general rule of thumb sets in!  You should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. However, if you're exercising or working out in a hot environment, increase your intake even more.

If you're thirsty, it's time to drink! If your mouth feels dry, this also indicates it's time for some liquid refreshment! 

What if these symptoms happen alongside fever or illness? Well, then, obviously, take advantage of this opportunity and chug away until there's no more room left in your stomach (or bladder).

Wrapping Up

Hydration is crucial for maintaining the health and appearance of the skin and the whole body. Well-hydrated skin is less prone to dryness, wrinkles, and acne and appears smoother and more youthful.

Drinking enough water can also improve energy levels, aid digestion, and promote weight loss. So, the next time you feel thirsty, or your skin feels dry, make sure that you drink plenty of water. It's the best way to keep your body healthy and looking young!

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